Adenium obesum

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Adenium obesum - Wikipedia. Adenium obesum, more commonly known as a desert rose, is a poisonous species of flowering plant belonging to the tribe Nerieae of the subfamily Apocynoideae of the dogbane family, Apocynaceae. It is native to the Sahel regions south of the Sahara (from Mauritania and Senegal to Sudan ), tropical and subtropical eastern and southern Africa and .. A sivatagi rózsa (Adenium obesum) jellemzése, gondozása . - Ankert. Shares

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. A sivatagi rózsa őshazája Kelet-Afrika és Szaúd-Arábia északi része. A növény nagyon népszerű a kaktuszok és a pozsgás növényeket gyűjtő kertészek körében, szokatlan megvastagodott törzsének, mely már a fiatal példányoknak is különös külsőt kölcsönöz, és szép virágainak köszönhetően.. Sivatagi rózsa (Adenium obesum) gondozása | Növény útmutató. Tudományos név: Adenium obesum


Származási hely: Kelet-Afrika (Kenya), Dél-Arábia


Az Adenium nemzetségbe mintegy 10 faj tartozik, amelyek az Arab-félsziget és trópusi Afrika pusztáin és sivatagos területein élnek. Húsos, duzzadt törzsű, évelő pozsgás növények. Némelyik faj 5-10 m magas törzset nevel.. Sivatagi rózsa (Adenium obesum) ültetése, gondozása, szaporítása .. Az Adenium obesum az Apocynaceae családba tartozik, amelyben olyan növények találhatók, mint a oleander és a perui galagonya. Ezek a növények természetes élőhelyükön gyakran sivatagi és sziklás területeken nőnek, ahol a vízhiány és a kiszáradás állandó kihívást jelentenek.. Desert Rose: Plant Care & Growing Guide - The Spruce. Learn how to grow and care for the desert rose (Adenium obesum), a succulent plant with pink, red, or rose flowers and a thick trunk. Find out its light, soil, water, temperature, and fertilizer requirements, as well as how to prune and propagate it.. Sivatagi rózsa (Adenium) gondozása - A sivatagi rózsa ( Adenium) a meténgfélék családjába tartozó pozsgás növény, mely Dél-Arábia, Uganda, Tanzánia és Kenya területén őshonos. Az üzletekben leggyakrabban az Adenium obesum kapható, de elvétve az Adenium swazicum is a virágboltok polcaira kerül.. How to grow and care for Adenium Obesum Desert Rose plant. Learn how to care for the Adenium Obesum, or desert rose, a succulent plant with vibrant pink, coral, and red flowers. Find out its soil preference, temperature, fertilizer, light, watering, potting, propagation, and common pests. See tips and tricks for indoor growing and blooming this sun-loving plant.. Adenium obesum | BBC Gardeners World Magazine. Learn about the desert rose, a shrubby succulent with glossy green leaves and red-pink flowers, native to Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Find out how to grow it under glass all year, in a container with well-drained soil and sharp sand, and how to care for it in the UK.. Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. | Plants of the World Online .. The native range of this species is W. Tropical Africa to Arabian Peninsula and Tanzania. It is a semisucculent shrub and grows primarily in the desert or dry shrubland biome. Taxonomy. Images. General information. Distribution. Synonyms. Publications. Other data.. Adenium obesum - LLIFLE. Adenium obesum subs. boehmianum (Schinz) G.D.Rowley: The flowers are similar to those of A. swazicum but the leaves are broader pale grayish-green. Adenium obesum subs. oleifolium (Stapf) G.D.Rowley: succulent shrublet 12-40 cm high from a subterranean rootstock. It has long, narrow leaves frequently folded along the midrib.. Adenium obesum - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. Adenium obesum is a succulent plant native to dry desert regions of Africa, Asia, and Tanzania. It is often used as a houseplant for its beautiful flowers and charming, small tree-like shape. It has high severity poison characteristics and requires full sun, dry soil, and fertilizer.. (PDF) EXPLORING THE MYSTERIOUS ADENIUM OBESUM: ITS

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. - ResearchGate. Adenium obesum, commonly referred to as Desert Rose or Sabi Star, is a captivating succulent plant that thrives in arid regions of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. This review paper aims to .. A review on Adenium obesum: A potential endemic medicinal plant in Oman .. Adenium obesum (AO) is one of the rare endemic medicinal plants in Oman and it belongs to family Apocynaceae. A biochemical investigation of the local AO species showed that the selected plant contained different groups of chemical compounds such as carbohydrate, cardiac glycoside, flavonoid, prenylated flavonoids, terpenoids, pregnanes etc. .. How to Grow and Care for a Desert Rose - World of Succulents. Learn how to grow and care for Desert Rose (Adenium obesum), a striking plant with a swollen stem, green leaves, and deep red flowers. Find out the light, water, temperature, soil, fertilizer, and propagation conditions for this succulent. Beware of the sap being poisonous and avoid contact with children or pets.. Rose du désert, Adenium obesum : culture et entretien - Gerbeaud. Découvrez comment cultiver la rose du désert, une plante succulente et atypique qui ressemble à un petit baobab et qui se couvre de fleurs en été. Apprenez les conseils de culture, les variétés, les bienfaits et les précautions à prendre pour cette plante originale et ornementale.. Desert Rose Guide: How to Grow & Care for "Adenium Obesum" - GardenBeast. Learn everything you need to know about the Desert Rose, a tropical succulent that resembles a bonsai tree and blooms in summer. Find out its native habitat, lighting, soil, fertilizing, pruning and pest control tips.. Adenium Obesum (Desert Rose): Everything You Need To Know - Abana Homes. There are many different types of desert roses. Despite its name, the Adenium obesum is a deciduous plant, not a rose or a bonsai. Obesum adenium has a large gene pool with various variations and sub-species in the wild, with five different growing kinds.. PDF Desert Rose, Adenium obesum - Master Gardener Program. obesum seedlings. Flower colors range through various shades of pink and red, to bicolor fl owers with white, and, recently, pure white forms. Purples, yellows, and even oranges are now being developed as either solid colors or as components of complex patterns. True Adenium obesum normally blooms in spring and summer continuously for many weeks.. How to grow and care for a desert rose - BBC Gardeners World Magazine. Learn how to grow and care for a desert rose (Adenium obesum), a low-maintenance perennial succulent that can tolerate drought and heat. Find out the best conditions, pruning tips, propagation methods, and pest control for this attractive plant.. Secrets Of Adenium Obesum: The Desert Rose Story

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. Embrace the allure of the Desert Rose and discover the joy of cultivating this extraordinary plant. Adenium Obesum - Explore the world of this captivating succulent and learn how to nurture it in your garden or indoor space and Unravel its secrets.. The COMPLETE Guide for Growing Desert Roses (Adenium Obesum). Learn how to grow and care for Desert Roses (Adenium obesum), a succulent plant that can tolerate high temperatures and bright light. Find out the best location, watering, fertilisation, repotting and common issues tips from How to Grow a Desert Rose - Bunnings Australia. Planting & Growing How to grow a desert rose How to grow a desert rose Thinking about adding desert roses to your garden? Find out how to plant, grow, prune and care for your desert rose. What you need to know about desert rose Name: desert rose ( Adenium obesum ). Height: up to 2m in the ground, but more often pot-grown; ideal for bonsai.. Adenium obesum: kopen en verzorging - Goede Groei. Adenium obesum (Nederlandse namen: woestijnroos of impalalelie) is een vetplant die vaak wordt gehouden als kamerplant. Het is een prachtige verschijning met een zonderling gevormde, enorm verdikte stam en fraaie bloemen, die meerdere keren per jaar in groten getale aan de plant verschijnen.. Adenium - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. This plant has low severity poison characteristics. See below Description. Adenium is a genus of succulents that are a part of the Apocynaceae family, otherwise known as Dogbane because some members provided poisons used to kill dogs.Plants can reach 15 in their native habitat but seldom grow that tall in a garden

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. The members of this genus are unusual in that they have a caudex (soft swollen .. Desert Rose - University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural .. Desert rose is a low-maintenance succulent that produces dozens of trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of pink, rose, or white in the summer. Like many succulents, it needs conditions that are bright, warm, and dry. Desert rose ( Adenium obesum) and its many hybrids are often seen in retail garden centers. Flowers average 2-3 inches in diameter .. Desert Rose Plant (Adenium) for Sale ~ Desert Rose Plant Care - Logees. Adeniums are a species of flowering plant native to sub-Saharan Africa and the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. Although there are several species, Adenium obesum is the one thats frequently grown as an ornamental. Common names for Adeniums include Sabi star, kudu, mock azalea, impala lily and or course, Desert Rose.. Desert Rose Varieties: What Are Some Other Adenium Types?. Adenium Obesum. Adenium obesum is the most common and popular variety of Desert Rose. It has pink, red, and white multi-colored flowers. Obesum has a classic succulent tree appearance, thick bark, and rubbery, round green leaves. Obesum is the most widespread throughout North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.. Adenium - Wikipedia. Adenium obesum is grown as a houseplant in temperate and tropical regions. Numerous hybrids have been developed. Adeniums are appreciated for their colorful flowers and unusual thick caudices. They can be grown for many years in a pot and are commonly used for bonsai . One of the paired, follicular fruit of an Adenium species, dehiscing to .. Desert Rose Plant Info: Caring For Desert Rose Plants - Gardening Know How. Adenium desert rose plants are perfect specimens for the intrepid or novice gardener. These east African and Arabian natives are wonderful in the interior container garden or as warm climate additions to the patio display. Caring for desert rose plants requires a full sun location and well-drained soil. Properly mimicking their native regional .. Adenium Obesum - Etsy. Adenium Obesum, also known as Desert Rose 12" to 14" inches Tall, Beautiful Healthy One Year old Live Rooted Plant (2.6k) $ 17.99. Add to cart. Loading More like this Add to Favorites 50 Mix Desert Rose Adenium obesum Variegated + 10 Hoya plants + Free Shipping + Phyto (103) $ 890.00. FREE shipping .. How to Care for Adeniums in Winter - SummerWinds AZ. The adenium obesum can handle very little winter cold. In the winter, cooler nights trigger leaf dropping and the adenium goes dormant. At this time stop all watering to allow the plant to go dormant. We highly recommend letting the adenium go dormant. This will allow for better spring growth and flowering. Overwintering your adenium outside:. Desert Rose Seed Saving - Gardening Know How. If you relish the bulbous, above ground caudex of the desert rose (Adenium obesum) and want to add more plants to your collection, then harvesting desert rose seed pods is the way to go.While these African desert dwellers can be propagated by cuttings, starting seeds from desert rose is the only way to guarantee the new plants will develop the enlarged stem-like structure.. PDF Growing Adeniums in Southern Arizona. Adenium obesum is the most widely cultivated adenium species, and the most used in hybridization. The ornamental strongpoints of A. obesum are ease of cultivation, fast growth rate, attractive glossy leaves which may be evergreen, and large attractive flowers which can be produced in massed. Adénium - Wikipedie. Adénium (Adenium) je rod rostlin z čeledi toješťovité.Jsou to silně sukulentní beztrnné keře až malé stromy s jednoduchými střídavými listy a nápadnými pravidelnými květy různých barev. Plodem je souplodí měchýřků.Rod zahrnuje 6 druhů, které byly v minulosti shrnovány do jediného, široce pojatého druhu Adenium obesum. .. Adenium obesum, Desert Rose, Impala Lily - TopTropicals. Adenium obesum. Growing to a height of about 4-5ft, this succulent plant is a member of the same family as Plumeria. Its swollen, often twisted trunk, is pale grey. The leaves are glossy, and club-shaped. The flowers appear almost continuously, are trumpet-shaped and range from white and bright pink to crimson, red.. Adenium - Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Adenium é um gênero de planta com flor na família Apocynum, Apocynaceae, descrita pela primeira vez como gênero em 1819. É nativa da África e Península Arábica. [3]Cultivo e usos. Adenium obesum é cultivada como uma planta doméstica e decorativa em regiões temperadas.A Rosa do Deserto ou Adenium deve ser regada, mas não deve ser mantida em terra ou substratos encharcados e se faz .. Sabi Star - Adenium obesum | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant .. Adenium Species: obesum Family: Apocynaceae Life Cycle: Perennial Country Or Region Of Origin: Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Tanzania Wildlife Value: Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. Dimensions: Height: 3 ft. 0 in. - 9 ft. 0 in. Width: 3 ft. 0 in. - 5 ft. 0 in. Whole Plant Traits: Plant Type: Houseplant Poisonous Succulent Habit/Form: Erect .. How to Grow and Care for Desert Rose Bonsai - MyDomaine. The Adenium swazium variety has pink and white flowers shaped like small trumpets. Adenium arabicum, on the other hand, typically reaches about 6 feet in height and has larger leaves than the desert rose bonsai. Adenium socotranum can reach heights of 16 feet when grown outdoors in proper conditions.. How to Plant, Grow and Care for Desert Rose (Adenium Obesum) - MSN. Adenium obesum subsp. socotranum: This is the largest of the species, native to Socotra, an Indian Ocean island between Somalia and Yemen. It can grow to be 15 feet tall with an 8-foot diameter trunk.. Rosa del desierto, Adenio - Adenium obesum - INFOJARDIN. Adenium obesum. Foto de Rosa del desierto, Adenio -. - Arbusto de bellas flores (color rosa la especia tipo), de menos de 1 m de altura. - Posee un enorme tallo tuberoso bajo las ramas cilíndricas crasas. - Si está bien cuidada, Adenium es capaz de florecer en verano varias veces a cortos intervalos. - La savia que aparece cuando se poda la .. Adenium Species, Desert Rose - Daves Garden. A succulent member of the Oleander family, Adenium obesum originates in East Africa. It prospers there in locations where it rains .Read More frequently in the summer, but is very dry in winter. Planted in containers (clay pots are recommended), "Desert Rose" requires a soil mix of sand or brick chips mixed into regular soil, or a cactus mix.. Facts About the Desert Rose: Description, Adaptation, and Care. The Adenium obesum variety is the only species most widely cultivated. It can be grown as an outdoor or an indoor plant, depending on the climate of the place where it is grown. It is easy to grow and requires little maintenance as it can tolerate heat and drought. Flower of Adenium obesum. Classification of the Desert Rose.. Desert Rose Dying? 11 Helpful Tips to Grow Adenium obesum. Adenium obesum is commonly known as Desert Rose. Some other common names include Desert Azalea, Mock Azalea (though they are not azaleas), Impala Lily, Sabi Star, and Kudu Lily. The characteristic features of this plant is the thick, succulent base (called a caudex) and also the star shaped flowers that typically come in pink, red and white.. ROSA del DESIERTO: Cuidados - Guía Práctica - La Adenium obesum, que es el nombre científico de la rosa del desierto, tiene las siguientes características: Es un arbusto perenne de la familia Apocynaceae. Puede llegar a alcanzar alturas de hasta 3 metros, aunque lo habitual es que sea de alrededor de 1 metro o menos, sobre todo en jardines y macetas.. 20 Mixed Color Desert Rose Seeds to Grow | 20 Seeds | Adenium Obesum .. Desert Rose Adenium Obesum seedlings Bundle of 3 Plants 3-4 inches Tall. Colors Unknown. Desert Rose Plant Adenium Obesum Plant 3-4 inch Seedling. 30 Pcs Mixed Bonsai Bowl Lotus Seeds,Water Lilys Flower Plant Fresh Garden Seeds,Finest Viable Aquatic Water Features Seeds Non-GMO (Mixed Color). Adenium Arabicum Desert Rose Care Guide (2023) | Garden Pals. Adenium arabicum appearance is distinct from other desert rose species. The caudex is relatively wider and can grow up to 3 feet in diameter! The leaves are wider, shorter and less dense than other adenium species. As for flowers, this pink desert rose has a paler color shade than that of Arabicum obesum

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. Foliage. Adenium obesum | Landscape Plants | Oregon State University. Reportedly in wide areas of Africa the root sap or sometimes the wood or stem latex of Adenium obesum is used to prepare an arrow poison. obesum: stout, plump; a reference to the thick, swollen trunk (caudex), sometimes almost entirely below ground. Click image to enlarge. plant habit, flowering. leaves. flowers and leaves.. Kamboja jepang - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Adenium obesum, cirinya bentuk bonggol besar dan agak memanjang ke atas, satu batang tumbuh di atas bonggol, di atas batang muncul percabangan. Bunga berwarna paduan merah dan putih, berbunga besar (lebih dari 5 cm). Jenis-jenis spesies adenium lainnya adalah Adenium Socotranum, Adenium swazicum, Adenium somalense, Adenium bohemianum.

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. Adenium obesum (Desert Rose) - World of Succulents

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. Adenium obesum is an evergreen or drought-deciduous succulent shrub or small tree that can grow up to 10 feet (3 m) tall. With age, the stem base becomes up to 3.3 feet (1 m) or more in diameter and sometimes spreads over the rocks in its native habitat. The leaves are spirally arranged and clustered toward the tip of the branches.

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. Care guide for the Desert rose Bonsai tree (Adenium obesum . - Bonsai .. Adenium obesum Desert rose. Bonsai care and maintenance. The Desert Rose, also called the Japanese frangipani and Adenium bonsai, is a small succulent tree native to Africa and Arabia which has fleshy leaves and develops a bulbous base. It produces large pink and white or red flowers when it gets enough sunlight.. Desert Rose Bonsai Tree Care Guide (Adenium obesum). Adenium socotranum, known as the Aden Rose of the Island of Socotra, is a giant tree whose trunk diameter is over 2 meters, and height over 4.5 meters. The sap from the Adenium plant is toxic to many animals, including cats and dogs. On the island of Socotra, Adenium trees are the only native vegetation that have remained safe from goat menace.. Adenium obesum - Useful Tropical Plants - The Ferns. A plant of the arid and semi-arid tropics, where it can be found at elevations up to 2,100 metres


To grow well, it prefers maximum temperatures that often exceed 30°c; the branch tips are damaged at temperatures below 5°c; and the plant cannot be grown in the open when temperatures are regularly close to 0°c [. 299. ].. Adenium Arabicum Care: Growing The Arabicum Desert Rose. The name Adenium is named after Aden, a country just south of Saudi Arabia, and this species sometimes is known simply as the Aden bush as a result. Additionally, some circles consider Adenium arabicum to be a subspecies of Adenium Obesum, although this has not been proven. Adenium Arabicum Care Size & Growth. Adenium Culture: Producing Large Specimens Quickly. Adenium obesum, A.swazicum, and some of their hybrids, can be kept active by maintaining night temperatures above 50F (10C). The other taxa will enter various degrees of dormancy in autumn regardless of conditions. Recognizing dormancy is critical to a plants survival. Not only does the timing and depth of dormancy vary among taxa, but .. Adenium Seeds | Buy New Adenium Seeds

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. Adenium Obesum Black Edition 5 Seeds. One of the most reliable Black flowering Adenium varieties of all time. Easy Bloom & lots of mid size flowers to around 2.5 - 3 inch. more info. £3.60. Sale £2.85.. COLIBYOU Desert Rose, Adenium Obesum one Year Plant - Desert Rose Adenium Obesum seedlings Bundle of 3 Plants 3-4 inches Tall. Colors Unknown. Pink Adenium Desert Rose Plant, Desert Rose Flower Bonsai Houseplant, 4 to 7 Inches. Desert Rose Adenium Obesum seedlings Bundle of 6 Plants Rosa Del Desierto.. Adenium: The Beloved Desert Rose — Flora Grubb Gardens. Adenium obesum var. Somalense. From Somalia, this plant develops a single large subterranean caudex that can be raised, but be suspicious if you see one with this form for sale, as poaching is rampant in the trade. This adenium is beloved for its thin, shiny, dark, patterned leaves. A. obesum var. Somalense is particularly fussy about dry .. Thailand: Exotic Adeniums, Desert Roses - Exotic Adeniums. There are several species of Adenium: Adenium swazicum, Adenium somalense, Adenium arabicum, Adenium boehmianum, Adenium multiflorum, Adenium crispum, Adenium obesum. Adeniums have many spectacular hybrids. The basic culture is very similar to orchids. A small pot with excellent drainage is a must.. Adenium arabicum - LLIFLE. Adenium arabicum Balf.f.: is similar in appearance to Adenium obesum, but creates a massive, more squat and fat caudex and has larger thick fleshy leaves. Distribution: Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Adenium dhofarense Rzepecky: Has large, leathery and glossy leaves and very small flowers. Distribution: Dhofar coast (Oman) and adjacent mountains of Yemen.. Desert Rose Red (Adenium obesum) - Logees. Desert Rose Red (Adenium obesum) Grown true from seed as a stabilized red, this strain of Desert Rose produces consistent deep red flowers with a well-formed caudex. They love it sunny, dry and warm, typical of their home in East Africa, and tolerate neglectful watering. When grown as a house plant, its best to let the soil almost dry .. Rose du désert (Adenium obesum) : arrosage, entretien - Jardin Secrets. Genre: Adenium - Espèce: obesum - Famille: Apocynacées - Origine: Afrique du Sud - Descriptionde la Rose du désert - La Rose du désert est une plante succulente au port érigé et à base renflée (caudex), généralement dégarnie. Dune croissance lente, elle mesure 50 centimètres de haut mais seulement vers.. How to Grow Breathtaking Adenium Obesum (Rock Roses) at Home. The Adenium obesum is a deciduous, shrubby stem succulent within the Apocynaceae family. Its native to Sachel regions south of the Sahara Desert, Eastern and Southern Africa, and Saudi Arabia. This frost-tender succulent has adapted to harsh, hot, dry deserts with limited water and nutrients. These "rock roses" are closely related to the Oleander genus, and are quite easy to grow.. Adenium dhofarense. Adenium obesum subs. boehmianum (Schinz) G.D.Rowley: The flowers are similar to those of A. swazicum but the leaves are broader pale grayish-green. Adenium obesum subs. oleifolium (Stapf) G.D.Rowley: succulent shrublet 12-40 cm high from a subterranean rootstock. It has long, narrow leaves frequently folded along the midrib.. How to Propagate a Desert Rose (Adenium obesum). Adenium obesum, commonly known as Desert Rose, is widespread and variable in its natural habitat.It occurs in broadband across sub-Saharan Africa from Senegal and Mauritania in the west eastward to Sudan and Kenya.Its variability in nature is reflected by its variability in cultivation. It has a relatively long summer blooming period and can be kept in growth through winter in a warm and .. Adenium Obesum or Desert Rose | Care and Plants For Sale. Adenium Obesum is commonly known as The Desert Rose and indeed they do grow in dry desert areas. They are native to Eastern Africa and Northern Arabia. The flowers are attractive and indeed create a rosy picture, the trunks develop a swollen look over time and these easy care plants are also used as Bonsai. And as much as the flowers can .. Desert Rose - Encyclopedia of Life. Adenium obesum (Desert Rose) is a species of shrub in the family Apocynaceae. They have a self-supporting growth form. They are native to Afrotropics. Flowers are visited by Catopsilia pomona. Individuals can grow to 1.5 m. Known occurrences, collected specimens and observations of Desert Rose

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. View this species on GBIF.. Growing The Black Desert Rose Adenium - Plant Care Today. Black desert rose is a variety of Adenium obesum [ah-DEEN-ee-um oh-BEE-sum] grown for its stunning, black flowers. In its native habitat, the Adenium plant grows in the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Arabia. In proper botanical terms, Adenium obesum is not a rose but a succulent, like cacti. More Desert Rose plant varieties..